The play inspired by Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s two short stories “Nose” and “Dragon”.
日本奈良興福寺的惠印和尚,鼻子特長特大,據說因此而有預知能力,令外地到來參拜的信眾大增,鎮內遊覽、手信業大旺。不過當他把鼻子打掉後,其過人能力也「被失效」,鎮民怨聲載道。某天,鎮內猿澤池旁出現一神秘木牌,上寫「三月三日將有龍在此升天」,當鎮民半信半疑之際,怪事接連出現 — 龍令女子懷胎,龍在池內翻騰, 龍召回魚群,龍報夢少女 ….. 全鎮生態、鎮民心態都徹底改變。惠印和尚力證龍之虛假,險被拳打腳踢。三月三日即將來臨,四方八面湧來的旅客,亢奮而近乎歇斯底里地等待見證奇蹟的一刻 !
The play is inspired by Akutagawa Ryunosuke’s two short stories “Nose” and “Dragon”.
Hui-Yin, the monk, who has such a big nose, is said to have the power of foresight. As he attempts to make his nose smaller, his power becomes “invalidated”.
One day, Hui-Yin unintentionally (or maybe intentionally) tell the villagers that there will be a dragon flying to heaven. The villagers are so convinced that their mentality and even the ecology of the town are completely changed!